
AmazonFSxforWindowsFileServerprovidesfullymanagedsharedstoragebuiltonWindowsServer,anddeliversawiderangeofdataaccess,datamanagement, ...,AmazonFSxforWindowsFileServerprovidesfullymanagedsharedstoragebuiltonWindowsServer,anddeliversawiderangeofdataaccess,datamanagement,and ...,AmazonFSxforWindowsFileServer備有建置於WindowsServer上的全受管共用儲存空間,並提供各式各樣的資料存取權、資料管理和管理...

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed shared storage built on Windows Server, and delivers a wide range of data access, data management, ...

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed shared storage built on Windows Server, and delivers a wide range of data access, data management, and ...

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server 備有建置於Windows Server 上的全受管共用儲存空間,並提供各式各樣的資料存取權、資料管理和管理功能。

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server 定價

您要為檔案系統每月佈建的平均輸送容量支付相關費用,以「每月每MB/s」為單位。 如為多可用區域檔案系統,複寫資料在可用區域間傳輸資料的成本,已包含在輸送容量價格中。

Amazon FSx

Amazon FSx 可讓您在四種廣泛使用的檔案系統之間進行選擇:NetApp ONTAP、OpenZFS、Windows File Server 和Lustre。您通常會根據對於指定檔案系統的熟悉程度,或是藉由比較 ...

File Server

Fully featured and fully managed. Amazon FSx makes it easy to provide broadly-accessible and highly-performant file storage that enables a wide variety of use ...

What is FSx for Windows File Server?

Find out about Amazon FSx, an AWS service that makes it easier to launch and run shared file storage for Microsoft Windows workloads in the AWS Cloud.

什麼是FSx 的視窗檔案伺服器?

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server 提供全受管Microsoft Windows 檔案伺服器,這些伺服器由完全原生的Windows 檔案系統支援。FSx 適用於Windows 檔案伺服器的功能、 ...

既生瑜,何生亮,Amazon FSx File Gateway為何而生

2021年7月2日 — 有些人心中可能會有疑問,若是混合雲想要使用Windows File Server,之前AWS 已經有推出Amazon FSx for Windows File Server (簡稱:FSx),那麼將雲上的FSx ...